Rebecca McLean is the Founder and Director -Circle of Life Coaching.
For over 30 years using and teaching intuition skills with 1000’s of clients, and in training coaches, leading groups, workshops and retreats, she has found that when people are supported to access their inner wisdom, their body intelligence, and the “knowing” intuitive aspect of their being — the deepest shifts, breakthroughs, healing and life fulfilling successes occur.
Since 1984, Rebecca has been a Pioneer and is a Key Player in the development of Coaching, Group Coaching and teaching Mind-body Self Care, Mindfulness and Intuition in all her trainings, programs, groups, workshops, retreats and with her private clients.
Co-Founder: The Circle of Life Mind-Body Life and Wellness Coaching for Individuals and Groups http://circleoflife.net
Co-Founder: Health Action, Inc providing Health, Wellness and Stress Mastery consulting, workshops, and trainings for government and social agencies, corporations, schools, hospitals, clinics, retreat centers and non-profits.http://healthaction.net
Co-Founder: The Healer Within Foundation http://www.healerwithinfoundation.org
Co-Founder The Coaching Academy-for the National Wellness Institute, Inc.
Advanced Training for Wellcoaches in Mind-Body-Spirit Self-Care Practices
2010 – 2011 Awarded VIP Woman of the Year for Health and Wellness by the National Association of Professional Women (NAPW)
Retreats, Workshops, Circle of Life Coach trainings at Omega, Kripalu, National Wellness and Esalen Institutes
In addition to authoring the Circle of Life, Rebecca is contributing author to:
Wellness for Life: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Choosing and Sustaining a Happy and Healthy Lifestyle
Complementary Medicine in Clinical Practice
Optimal Digestion: New Strategies for Achieving Digestive Health
Health on the Edge