Should you wish to schedule a future session, please download forms below and email completed forms (along with headshot, mini bio, and logo) to: EmpoweringWomenTelevision@gmail.com
$1,500 per session, includes:
- 30 minute preparatory zoom call;
- 1 complete interview 25-28 minutes (individual or group session);
- 2 promo clips (15-30 seconds each);
- Airing of interview on local stations across USA.
- 1 press release placed in Local Media;
- 1 article (submitted to journal of your choice);
- Publicity space at Empowering Women’s Salon Gatherings or Signature Events;
- Inclusion in an Empowering Women of Spirit Anthology.
RSVP YOUR SESSION with $500 deposit due immediately. Balance ($1,000) due via check or cash on day before recording session. (Total amount = $1,500)