Rev. Myra Robinson

Rev. Myra Robinson is one of Empowering Women TV’s featured panelist during our June 2024 Salon Gathering in Portland, Maine. Myra is an Interfaith Chaplain & Sound Healer; ordained in 2016 at the Chaplaincy Institute of Maine (ChIME). She currently works (per-diem) with Spiritual Care Services of Maine; and has an independent ministry of music, mindfulness and motivation.

As an entrepreneur, Myra created Soul Motivated Affirmantras tofacilitate empowerment workshops; as well as providing “sound-baths” (a vibrational healing modality), using her voice, Crystal Singing Bowls, Native American flutes, & other instruments. 

To find out more, visit

Myra strives to empower all women, especially those in marginalized populations. She mentored incarcerated women; and often works with elderly women. She is certified in Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) – to aid first responders after tragedies. She is also a singer, musician and “transition presence” for those at end-of -life. Her clergy services include Spiritual Companionship to individuals; Ceremony Officiant, and Motivational Speaker.

     Her MISSION STATEMENT is to promote peace within all beings through awareness of our inter-connectedness to all that is, including each other, our Creative Source, and our Sacred Mother Earth.